Free pyrography patterns. Free Wood burning Patterns. The first group are just a few of the patterns I have for sale on Etsy, but after that a large number of free patterns can be found. Since I’ve recently decided to simplify this pretty basic website, I’ve grouped the patterns by category. Click on a category and that will open a page for that subject.
All of my patterns are for personal use only. You can use them as many times as you want. You can sale the resulting artwork you create, but do not sell the pattern or use it for commercial or business applications.
Help support my website and purchase a pattern from my Etsy page. They are only $1.99 USD each. Click on the image and it will take you to my Etsy page. Etsy store:
PATTERNS FOR SALE ON ETSY (lots more available on Etsy)

Hi Brenda ,
I started Pyrography during this awful pandemic. I have always been crafty but due to having Arthritis I could no longer manage my old hobby. I came across your videos by accident when searching Pyrography tutorials on YouTube. I subscribed after watching the first 5 mins. It is a breath of fresh air that people are willing to share such great tutorials with other users and I have learned a lot of techniques from your videos. I bought the peter childs machine as I prefer the wire tips to fixed. I just wanted to thank you and I find watching your time-lapse videos really .therapeutic.
sharri Manchester UK
Hi Sharri,
Welcome to the exciting artform called pyrography! I hope that you will love it as much as I do.
Thank you so much for the lovely comment!
Hi, I’m new at this whole pyrography thing and I’ve been learning and trying to burn stuff but I don’t know how to shade I have the burning part down to my perfection I just don’t know how to shade on my petuol wood burner I got off Amazon cause I don’t know what temp I need it to be on…I was wondering if you had any videos on how to do that??
Hi Zachary,
don’t concentrate on temperature. Instead concentrate on the burn results. I generally aim for a medium to dark tan burn result and then use re-burning and hand speed to get different tonal values.
Shading is nothing more than having highlights and shadows. This means some areas don’t have as much color and others have more.
A good number of the tutorials on my tutorial page have corresponding youtube videos. Plus, there is a beginner section that has easier projects to do.
I recommend the grapes tutorial because that video discusses analyzing light and how to shade a round object based on the light. This might help you find the answers to your question.
Here’s a link to that tutorial: Grapes
I started pyrography last October. Your videos have really helped. ❤️
Hi Devon,
well congratulations on picking a fantastic hobby to create art in. Granted I’m probably a bit biased. 🙂
I hope that you will enjoy pyrography as much as I do!
Dear Brenda!
I started pyrography 1.5 years ago, that’s when I found your blog.
I really love what you do and I am glad that you selflessly share your knowledge and experience with us students.
Based on the description, I have already taken pictures – for my own purposes, as a practice.
My only request would be this: the description of the eagle owl is above, but unfortunately the pattern is not.
thank you and look forward to the following!
Tamás Erika
Hungary, Budapest
Hi Erika,
Thank you for the comment. I’ll look into the patterns page, but be aware that the pattern is found on the blog I mislabeled as a Hawk Owl. Here’s a link to that blog:
The pattern features just the face and shoulder of the owl. Hope you continue to enjoy pyrography!
PS – I removed your email address from your comment to reduce the risk of getting unwanted emails.
Hi Brenda,
You do fantastic work and the tutorials you do are awesome so many thanks for putting them up there for us to learn the different methods of doing things. Pyrography came about for me with the need to cover up some bad blemishes on an old1950 -60 guitar I was doing up. The plan was to create images to glue over the top of damaged parts to cover the damage and strengthen the instrument and add some aesthetic value to the instrument. Have started to build custom guitars as a hobby. To that end I just purchased a Razertip unit with 2 pens and managed to create a passable image on the first try all thanks to you. So again many thanks. This is going to be a lot of fun!!!!
Hi Glenn,
What an awesome way to use pyrography! That is truly a fantastic idea!
I’m glad my website is helpful. More importantly I’m glad you’re enjoying pyrography.
It is a fantastic medium to work in.
If you’re comfortable sharing, I’d love to see your work. Note that I do not offer suggestions, tips, or critiques as I got overwhelmed with requests for that, but I do love to see what other artist are creating. My email is
Thank you so much for the fantastic comment. It brightened my day.
Merhaba Brenda,
Benim adım İlker Mavi, sana Türkiye’den yazıyorum. Bu sanata merak sardım ve henüz yeniyim, internetten araştırmalar yaparken seninle karşılaştım ve neredeyse tüm videolarını zevkle izledim. Gerçekten çok yeteneklisin ve harika çalışmalar gerçekleştiriyorsun. Senin kadar güzel anlatan ve tutkuyla bu sanatı yapan başka kişiyle karşılaşmadım bu araştırmalarım sırasında. Bana ilham kaynağı olduğun ve cesaret verdiğin için teşekkürler Brenda. Seviliyorsun..
Merhaba İlker Mavi,
tanıştığımıza çok memnun oldum. Umarım pirografiyi bir sanat formu olarak ele alırsınız. Çalışmak harika ve çok keyif alıyorum.
Harika yorum için çok teşekkür ederim.
Hi Brenda! OMG, I LOVE YOU!!!
Hello! Hope all is well with you and your family.
I have watched all kinds of videos in “you tube” to learn wood burning but when I came across your videos, I’m hooked. You are the best amongst every single video I’ve ever seen and now I am 100%! I only watch you and nobody else.
My main hobby is photography but I thought to start a new one. I started this hobby in the beginning of November of last year and decided to purchase the Colwood Super Pro II on Nov 29th 2019, the best decision I have ever made. I now have a great tool and most importantly THE BEST TEACHER anyone could ever have. I truly appreciate you, you are such a blessing!
I wish you good health and happiness and many more years for Pyrography Made Easy!
Take care and stay healthy always!
Hi Charrie,
you’re making me blush. Thank you for the amazing praise.
Let me welcome you to the wonderful artform of Pyrography. It is so much fun to work in and I’m glad you are enjoying it! I think photography is a great hobby too as it gives you so much original material to base your artwork on.
Thank you again for the wonderful comment. I hope that you will love pyrography as much as I do. Take care!
This website is absolutely fantastic, as are all of your youtube videos. I can’t say thank you enough for helping amateurs like myself to create seemingly impossible pieces of art when I haven’t ever been an artist before. You are generous, thorough, and very very skilled. I aspire to be 25% as skilled as you and I’ll make what I consider masterpieces. Thanks again.
Hi Adam,
thank you for the wonderful compliment and comment. I honestly believe that what I do can be done by anyone, it’s just a matter of time and practice. The most difficult part if finding a hobby that you enjoy enough to be willing to put in the time and practice to get good with. My husband loves to do woodworking and I don’t know how he has the patience for that. I hope that you will love creating art in pyrography!
I received a Colwood Detailer for Christmas after I had been using a beginner set with good results. I’d made some cute magnets & ornaments on wood slabs. After watching some of your tutorial vids, I will be very excited to get over this nasty cold I have so I can try out my new burner. Your shading tips were so helpful in that I know some of the past tries I probably tried to go to fast & pressed too hard. Thanks for the vids and I wonder which pattern you would recommend I start out with? I am leaning toward the covered bridge, but it seems a bit ambitious.
Hi Deborah,
What an awesome Christmas present!
My philosophy is do what interests you as you are more inclined to enjoy it. I have had some very beginner pyrography artist try projects that I would have termed as intermediate to advanced and they did a great job. Plus Todd tells me that I am a horrible judge of difficulty levels, so try it. What’s the worst that will happen? It doesn’t turn out perfect, but you will have gained more experience and hopefully had fun during it all. To me that is a win-win situation.
Thank you for the comment and please send me a picture of your work as I’d love to see it.
Happy New Year!
I went with the trout as my son is recently into Fly fishing. Thank you for the pattern & tutorial. I’m not sure how to share the picture of my finished work here…it was alot of fun tho!
Hi Deborah,
Sorry for the delay on this comment. For some reason it was showing in the spam folder and I didn’t notice it until today. Photos can only be uploaded by me as I have each and every photo scanned to ensure they don’t contain viruses or malware. My email is
Glad the pattern and tutorial were helpful. More importantly I’m super glad you had fun creating the artwork!
Thank you so much for the wonderful patterns and inspiring ideas, I am complete beginner, so just finding my way with this great hobby, but I have completed a couple of projects in the last year using fixed nibs, and have given them as gifts which my family have appreciated. I really appreciate the tutorials and time you have given to helping others enjoy the art of pyrography.
Hi Lorraine,
welcome to the wonderful world of pyrography! It is a very fun and rewarding hobby and I hope you will enjoy it for many years to come.
Thank you for letting my know my website it helpful.
I have a small woodburning tool with adjustable heat, but I’d like to purchase one with the wire nibs, rather than the solid metal ones, which are used on the type I have. I understand that Razortip is the top of the line. Are there any others that work well, but are not as expensive? (I find the dual pen, adjustable heat units ranging from $59-$289.)
Hi Jan,
I have not tried a Razortip, so I can’t confirm or deny if it is top of the line burner. It does seems to be one that people either love or hate, and I have heard from other pyrographers that it tends to run hot (gets hot to hold in a short amount of time).
As for other brands, there are several: Optima, Colwood, Truart are a couple that I can immediately think of. Some, like Colwood and Truart offer single pen units which tends to be cheaper than the dual pen systems.
Valarie of Drawing with Fire absolutely loves her Optima system. Prior to that she was a big fan of the Colwood burner.
I use a Colwood and I like it a lot, but I will admit that I haven’t tried any other burner.
As for the Truart, no one that I’m “friends” with on YouTube has used one, so I can’t tell you if it is good.
Almost all of the manufacturers will sell direct, so all you have to do is google the brand name and check out the website. With the Optima including the word pyrography otherwise you will health care and car websites.
I’m 64 years old and really never tried wood burning with a wood-burning kit before . I did some experiments with magnifying glasses sitting outside in the sun. So basically I am a newbie ran across your tutorials on YouTube. A lot of help and I enjoy every minute watching it thank you very much
Hi Greg,
Welcome to the artform of pyrography! It is always exciting to welcome another pyrography artist to the community. I have not tried the magnifying glass method of burning. I live on the rainy side of the mountains in Washington state, so I would have a very limited number of days I could burn with a magnifying glass.
Thank you for letting me know the tutorials are helpful. Pyrography is such a wonderful medium to work in, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
Hello Brenda, I just started in the pyrography and her videos have been the valuable teaching so far, it gives me a little work sometimes, I do not speak English, but even so I have understood them perfectly with their indications and demonstrations … thank you very much .. I will continue here learning and practicing until having a good result in this art … with your videos I will achieve it … thanks from yucatan in mexico …
Hello Moramay,
Thank you so much for you lovely comment! My greetings to you. It is nice to get greetings from other countries. I hope that you will love the art of pyrography and create a lot of beautiful artwork!
Thank you for your very generous tutorials and patterns, just starting out and I’m thrilled to have found your blog.
Hi Leonie,
welcome to the world of pyrography. I hope that you enjoy it. I love pyrography and it’s always exciting to welcome new artists to the artform.
Hi I am just starting out so I am really glad I found your site and video. Just finished reading you tutorial awesome I am sure I will learn so much from you.😁
Hi Connie,
Welcome to the world of pyrography! I hope you have a lot of fun with pyrography. It has become my favorite medium to work in and it’s great to discover more people are taking up the artform. Thanks for the comment and happy burning!
I am new to pyrography. I find your tutorials inspiring. I also, very much appreciate your calm voice and encouragement to take one step at a time. My beginner burner limped through my first project. I am most grateful you posted a burner you have had good experience with and your tutorial on fixing mistakes. I look forward to purchasing an upgraded burner like yours in the future. I look forward to trying your shared patterns. It is most kind of you to share some for no cost. Your website is nicely laid out.
I wanted to say thank you.
Hi Acacia,
Welcome to pyrography! I hope you enjoy it. It has become my absolute favorite medium to work in. Doesn’t sound like your burner is much fun to use though.
I will mention two things. 1) Minisa Pyrography uses a Walnut Hollow craft burner and she creates amazing artwork with it. It costs a LOT less than the Colwood I use.
Here’s a link to Minisa’ youtube channel:
2) Valarie of Drawing with Fire has done a LOT of burner reviews. I think she owns or has owned every brand of burner made, so her channel is great to get an idea burner brands. Valarie:
I’m glad my website is helpful. I try to keep my website simple. I hate visiting websites that are hard to navigate and have numerous ads and popups on them. I prefer clean basic sites, so I tried to make my site that way. It’s not super fancy, but it also means I don’t have to do a lot of work to maintain it. 🙂
Thank you very much for leaving such a wonderful comment!
Thank you so much for your wonderful videos..I started watching one after another and got so hooked!! I just bought a burner and I love it!!! Cant wait to try some of your patterns. Thanks for everything your doing to help us newbies!
Hi Jackie,
thank you so much for the wonderful comment. I’m glad to hear you are enjoying pyrography and hope you will continue to love it!
Wow, I saw your work first on Youtube and then had to come to your website to see more! You are such a talented artist but better yet, you are willing to teach us your techniques and styles. You have a very good voice and demeanor along with a kind, patient understanding which shows through in all your videos. You’ve found what you were meant to do and may the Lord continue to bless you.
Hi Robert,
Wow, tank you for such a wonderful compliment! I am really enjoying what I do and it’s an added bonus if I can help other improve their skills in the medium. What I also find enjoyable with pyrography is that I continue to learn more about it. I hope that you enjoy creating pyrography art as much as I do. I really is a lot of fun!
Szia Brenda! Magyarországon élek. Imádom a videóidat,mert rengeteget lehet tanulni belőlük! Köszönöm,hogy megosztod a videóidat! Várom a további gyönyörű alkotásaidat,hogy gyönyörködhessek bennük!! Üdvözlettel: Adri Magyarországról <3
Hello Adri,
thank you for the lovely compliment. I’m glad the videos are helping you. Have fun burning!
Hi sylvia.just been watching your videos on you tube.very lnformative.i have a razertip ss-d10.only just started burning but im addicted to it look at all your tutorials.thank you.mark rowley,south wales uk
Hi Mark,
Congratulations on joining the pyrography community. I love the artform and it’s exciting to see others get into the medium. I hope that my tutorials will be helpful to you, but more importantly I hope you continue to have a lot of fun with it!
Brenda just Love your work… I have tryied a lot of your tips and they work 👌🏼. Could you make a tutorial about shades and lights please? Also I have a Razertip the started kit but it starts to burn in 7.5 or 8.. is that the temperature that you use? I live in Peru the wood is different and its very hard here..
thank you for your YouTube videos.. just love them ✍️.. and also for letting use your patterns and learned so much from you 🌟
Hi Silvia,
thank you very much. I appreciate your very kind words. It’s good to know that my tutorials and videos are helpful.
As for the heat setting, I keep my burner set closer to 3. At this temperature I get a tan color. I have to re-burn over an area many times to get a darker color. The setting does vary depending on the wood and pen tip you use. For example: basswood = 3, but maple = 3.5 or 3.75
The pictures I’ve seen of Peru show it to be a very beautiful country. I’ve always wanted to visit and see the Machu Picchu ruins.
I have a question about your tutorial idea. Are you wanting something very basic that explains how light and shadows work on objects like a ball or a box?
Hi Silvia,
this is a follow up to your tutorial request. I wanted to let you know that I’m working on a concept to help explain about light and shadows. I’m thinking of making a “back to basics” series, and I’m hoping to get the first one done and posted by the end of October.
So glad I found your website, Brenda!
Thank you for making these videos so “newbies” like myself can learn this amazing and fun art form.
I was just practicing your zig zag burst stroke (from the mountain scene video) and having trouble because the pen “sticks” or sinks into the surface. Any suggestions on how I correct this?
Hi Dawn,
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying pyrography. I love it and I’m having a lot of fun sharing my love of this artform. As for the pen tip sinking, let me say this: Zigzag strokes will sink into the wood more than other types. I have two suggestions to help minimize this: 1) use a light pressure and 2) keep the heat down. Let me explain a little more.
First the light hand pressure. Using a light pressure will allow the pen tip to glide over the surface of the wood easier. To go along with this, I also recommend keeping a firm but light grip on the pen. Avoid using a “death grips” because it makes a lot tougher to notice how hard you are pressing the tip onto/into the wood. Our goal as pyrographers is to burn the wood, not engrave. 🙂
Now about the heat. The hotter the pen tip is, the deeper it will sink into the wood. When I burn I keep my temperature set so that I get a tan color burn with my normal hand speed. To darken things up I either re-burn over it or I slow down my hand speed.
Hopefully one or both of those suggestions will fix your situation. If it doesn’t let me know.
Hi Brenda,
Just had the opportunity to try your suggestions. Seems like a combination of both have done the trick!
I also learned from your blog that I need to prep all wood by sanding first. While I didn’t go to the wet sanding stage, I did sand through to 320 grit and the pen felt more like it was sliding this time. Now, I just need to practice the texturing and shapes to get a more natural look.
Thanks again for your time and help!
Hi Dawn, that is awesome to hear it worked! Yes, sanding makes a huge difference, so glad you discovered that. You are most welcome and happy burning. Brenda
I want to thank you for your time and the quality of your videos.
I’ve watched more than my share of videos on pyrography and was totally lost.
I came across your videos and watched a few. They are fantastic. I now 1/2 way know what I’m doing.
Thank you again.
Hi Scotty,
You are so welcome and thank you. I appreciate your kind words, and I’m so glad to hear that my videos are helpful. Pyrography is such a fun medium to create art in and I love sharing what I do. Knowing others find it helpful makes it more worthwhile. Brenda
Thank you for sharing. I love the videos and fact that you put patterns on your website. Some of the best tutorials I have seen.
Hi Ron,
You are so welcome and thank you very much for the compliment. Other than being in front of that camera I really enjoy what I do. Pyrography is a very enjoyable hobby to me and I’m glad others enjoy it too. Brenda