Butterfly Book Pyrography Tutorial wood burning for beginners

In this tutorial blog I’m going to explain how to create the colorful butterfly pyrography artwork that I put on a wooden book.  The wooden book was nothing more than a hinged box that was designed to look like a book.  I bought the box at a craft store and when I saw it I … Continue reading Butterfly Book Pyrography Tutorial wood burning for beginners

When is Art Done? Pyrography Guidelines to know when to stop wood burning

A while back I was asked by Pete, a fairly new pyrography artist, “How can I tell if I’m done with my pyrography artwork?” What a fantastic question and one I didn’t have an immediate answer for.   Since that day, I have spent time pondering the question and I think I have 3 ways to … Continue reading When is Art Done? Pyrography Guidelines to know when to stop wood burning

How to Build a Pyrography Pen Tip Holder – Pyrography Tutorial

In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to build a pen tip holder.  I love my tip holder as it keeps my pen tips organized and readily accessible.  The holder is pretty easy to construct, but does require a drill.   You can watch a YouTube video of the holder being created by clicking on … Continue reading How to Build a Pyrography Pen Tip Holder – Pyrography Tutorial

Pyrography Tutorial Leaping Trout shading techniques wood burning

In this tutorial I’m going to explain how leaping trout lake artwork that I burned onto a maple cribbage board.  The artwork is more stylized versus photorealistic, but I think a stylized version is easier to replicate.  Plus the subject is a popular theme, so makes a wonderful gift. I’m only going to explain how … Continue reading Pyrography Tutorial Leaping Trout shading techniques wood burning

Pyrography Tutorial Stylized Rose techniques for beginner wood burning

In this tutorial I will explain how to create the stylized rose artwork.  The steps needed to create the rose can be use on any rose design and you don’t need a reference photo.   The artwork is from the side of a harp that my husband, Todd, built.  He wanted a Celtic knot with roses … Continue reading Pyrography Tutorial Stylized Rose techniques for beginner wood burning

Pyrography Tutorial Crashing Ocean Waves wood burning technique with airbrush color

A month or so back I was asked by Keith to write a tutorial explaining how to create ocean waves in pyrography.  I’ve never created an ocean scene before and have wanted to try it, so this blog is all about that attempt.    This tutorial will cover the pyrography techniques I used to create the … Continue reading Pyrography Tutorial Crashing Ocean Waves wood burning technique with airbrush color

Pyrography Tutorial – How to Build a Hand Sander

In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to build a hand sander.  The sander is very useful when working with store bought wood craft items like die-cut ornaments, boxes and for plywood in general.  The sander is comfortable and easy to change out sand paper on.   You can watch a YouTube video of the … Continue reading Pyrography Tutorial – How to Build a Hand Sander