
Below are some photos of the pyrography art I’ve done.   At the bottom of the gallery are some pictures of artwork in other mediums.

Grey Owl (9 2024)
Gorilla (2 2024)
Mandala Dragonfly (6 2023)
Corgi (6 2023)
Carnival Mask (4 2023)
Steampunk Fish (12 2022)
Penny (10 2022)


Orchid (August 2022)
Hooded Merganser (7 2022)
Barn Owl (7 2022)


Chickadee (6 2022)
Goldfish (1 2022)
Koala (12 2021)


Tiger (11 2021)
Lion (10 2021)
Northern Bobwhite (10 2021)
Biscuit the Pug (6 2021)


Ford Buick (4 2021)
Soaring Eagle (3 2021)
Mourning Dove (2 2021)





Bighorn Sheep (2 13 2021)
Dog with Curly White Fur (1 2021)
Steampunk (Dec 15, 2020)
























Maple leaves bass guitar (12 2020)
side view maple guitar










Horse (6 25 2020)
Yawning Jaguar (5 2020)










Kestrel (4 2020)
Chipmunk (2 2020)
Mount Shuksan (1 29 2020)










Mexican Grey Wolf (12 2019)


Cougar (10 2019)
Chloe’s Rabbits (10 2019)
Raspberry Bandit (10 2019)













Mandarin Duck (7 2019)


Butterfly Book (6 2019)
Lioness (6 2019)







Little Beggar Sparrow (4 2019)


Northern Pygmy Owl (4 2019)
Cheetah (1 2018)


Nevsky Cathedral (12 2018)









Zinogre Render (10 2018)
Flowering Currant (9 2018)










Skyrim’s Dragonborn (8 2018)
Quail (8 2018)
Mustang Island on leather (8 2018)
White Crowned Sparrow (7 2018)


Bobcat (5 2018)



Snail (4 2018)






Crow (4 2018)
Purple Iris (2 2018)
Douglas Squirrel (2 2018)
Misty Marine (1 2018)



Purple House Finch (12 2017)
BBQ Chips ornament (11 2017)


Hummingbirds (11 2017)


Wolf on leather (11 2017)


Lion on leather (11 2017)



Matthew & Maggie (10 2017)
Tree Frog (9 2017)





Nuthatch (9 2017)






Scrub Jay (7 2017)















Lotus Goddess (6 2017)
Golden Eagle (6 2017)





Old Truck (3 2017)
Dragonfly (3 2017)
Christ of the Mines (2 2017)





Garden Thief (1 2017)


Eagle Owl (12 2016)
Collared Lizard (11 2016)
Collared Lizard side view (11 2016)
Trout Lake (11 2016) burned on cribbage board
Vista House (10 2016)
Doves on a Wire (10 2016)

















Cedar Creek Grist Mill (9 2016)









Bald Eagle on gun stock (9 2016)
Cougar stalking deer on gun stock (9 2016)






Eurasian Hawk Owl (7 2016)
Skye (7 2016)






























Pelican (5 2016)
Mandala Styled Flute (4 2016)
Bengal Tiger (3 2016)
Feather (2 2016)
Venison - black tail deer
Venison (1 2016)
Pyrography Pheasant
Pheasant (Oct 2015)
petunia flower water drop wood burning pyrography bmj
Petunia w/Water drops (9 2015)










Lab Puppies (4 2015)



















cat and butterfly wood burning pyrography bmj
Paige drum front (1 2015)
cat wood burning pyrography bmj
Paige cat drum back (1 2015)
scrolling heart wood burning pyrography bmj
Heart Trinket box (12 2014)














chipmunk wood burning pyrography bmj
Chipmunk (10 2014)
pheasant wood burning pyrography bmj
Pheasant (10 2014)










Zelda link wood burning pyrography bmj
Link character in Zelda game (9 2014)
Rufus Hummingbird (3 2016) – airbrush and colored pencil
Iguana artwork
Iguana (6 2014) – charcoal & graphite pencil
butterfly airbrush
Butterfly (7 2013) – airbrushed









15 thoughts on “Gallery

  1. Hello Mrs Brenda

    I am a huge fan of your work.
    You have truly mastered pyrography you show so much controls and patience in your work as well as creativity.
    From watching your videos it s evident you also enjoy to teach and you are so good at it.
    Most great artist are stingy with their knowledge and secrets and you are so giving of your experiences and time.
    The ones that want to learn pyrography are all great full for you.

    If you have time I am seeking a little information before I proceed on a project.
    I did t want to ruin it.
    I was gifted a spruce acoustic guitar and I would like to pyrograph art on it.
    The spruce is so nice and smooth and light just begging to be burned.

    But my question is can I pyrograph work on spruce?
    I can’t seem to find any artist who have used this wood?
    Don’t see it on wood not to burn list and not on top woods to burn either?
    Is it not a good wood to burn on?

    And another is that it does have a clear finish I o owe you said don’t ever burn on finished wood..but if I remove the clear finish sanding it carefully with high grit paper.
    Do I actually remove all the clear?
    Is it then safe to then pyrograph?

    Thank you so much for any help but I know you are a busy lady so I will understand if you can’t reapond.
    Still a huge fan.


    1. Hello Alex,

      Thank you for the nice comment.
      I have not burned on spruce.

      I did a little research and some are saying the wood is very resinous like pine and fir. My experience with resinous woods is that they don’t burn evenly or nicely. The resin tends to bubble up and create a charred sticky mess. The burnt resin is tough to remove from the pen tip.

      As for the finish, it needs to be completely removed on whatever side you plan to burn. Make sure you wear a good dust mask as some of the finishes can be very toxic if inhaled.

      You can try just removing the finish from where you will burn. If you do this, you need to use the same finish to seal your artwork that was used on the guitar. The reason is that there will be overlap of the two finishes, and some finishes are not compatible with each other. Plus there might be a clear tell-tell line between the old and new finish.

      If were me, I would completely remove all of the finish from the side I planned to burn on. It’s more work, but refinishing will go a lot smoother.

      I HIGHLY recommend getting a small piece of spruce and try burning on it before you do anything with your guitar.
      A home improvement or specialty wood store might carry it.
      You can also do a google search for spruce soundboard. This would give you something closer to what is on your guitar.

      Good luck with your project!

      1. Thank you so much Mrs Brenda for taking the time to respond to my questions.
        I will most certainly try to find a scrap piece to practice on and never thought about researching actually sound boards.
        Also found out the exact clear that was used so I can re clear properly if I attempt it.
        Thank you again

  2. Brenda your work is amazing. Thank you for the lovely way of teaching and always the kind way you give advice and sharing your knowledge . I am in South Africa and ordered the Colwood Superpro2 international model and the tips you use after learning from your blog. I have been burning very happy since it arrived here for just over a year now. I have absolutely NO regrets. Thank you for your amazing Blog . I learn alot from you

    1. Hi Alta,
      thank you so much for the kind words. I’m glad my blogs are helpful.

      South Africa is a beautiful place. My sister is currently living there and sends me photos.
      Glad the Colwood is performing well for you. I haven’t had any problems with mine and hope yours will be the same.

      Thanks again for the lovely comment.

  3. Hi Brenda,
    I have just come across your site and am very excited to find all your free tutorials, which I plan to make use of. Thank you.
    Your gallery is amazing, your art work superb. I am yet to start pyrography, I am gathering up suppies and awaiting a delivery of gourds to start on. I have been drawing with coloured pencil for a number of years and was interested to see your butterfly tutorial. I noticed that you did not seal the wood before adding the coloured pencil. Coming from a background where I was taught that everything had to be archival, is this detrimental to your finished product? Will the acid from the wood create blooms on your coloured pencil or watercolour work?
    Thank you again.

    1. Hi Robyn,
      Congratulations on picking pyrography as a new hobby! It’s a wonderful medium to work in, but I might be a bit biased. 🙂

      You bring up some fantastic points that I had not thought about. To be brutally honest, anything I add color to I would never consider selling because I’m not sure how the color will age. Plus I don’t try to keep my color selection to colors those rated for high lightfastness. That’s another reason why I wouldn’t sell something I’ve added color too. Given your background you are probably a lot more aware than I am on that fact that not all colors have the same lightfastness rating. That rating changes depending on the brand of pencil being used.

      That said, of the projects that I added colored pencil to, I haven’t noticed the color fading. Keep in mind that I only had the artwork for a month or two before it was given to a family member. Plus I almost alway add a glaze of Pearl Ex pigment over the colored pencil and that interferes with the ability to see how the colored pencil is fairing.

      I do have one piece of artwork, Northern Shoveler Ducks, that I airbrushed color onto back in January of 2019. The wood is aging (turning a deeper tan color), but the color still looks good. I applied white colored pencil on some of the feathers and the white is vivid. No yellowing detected.

      It would be interesting to test out applying color before and after the wood is sealed to see how the color ages. I’m sure it would take months if not years to reveal changes. Another idea I’ve also been pondering is applying a acid neutralizer to the wood before sealing it to see if that impacts how the wood, finishes, and color age. I just haven’t gotten any yet to test out my idea.

      Well I did a lot of babbling, but didn’t answer your question because I don’t have an answer. Thank you for the thought provoking questions! I’m going to have to get off my lazy rump and create a test panel.

      1. Thanks for your response. I will do some playing with transparent gesso in specific areas, i guess you could seal then add brush and paint tooth before adding pencil? More quetions. Thanks again, such a repostorie of information to go through, my gourds arrived today, start burning tomortow

        1. Hi Robyn,
          I’m going to be honest and admit that your ideas are well outside my realm of experience. I started to talk painting lessons many years ago and absolutely hated it. My knowledge of of gesso is just that I’m aware there is such a product, but how and when to use I couldn’t begin to guess at. All I can recommend it testing out your ideas on some piece of scrap material and see how it works.

          How exciting! I haven’t burned on gourds. They seem like they would be fun and you can produce functional items from them. I hope you have a blast with them!

  4. Hi! I’m very new at this kind of art and trying to learn one step at a time. I’m just curious about the dark background on your Skyrim’s Dragonborn and Venison, how did you achieve that? Did you also burn that part of the wood? Also, can pyrography be done on large pieces of wood, like long tables? Thank you very much in advance! 🙂
    -Celeste 🙂

    1. Hi Celeste,

      I burn the background with one of my large shader pen tips. I’ve tried using a mini torch, but I’m not good with it and burn areas I don’t intend or want. My method takes longer, but for me it’s safer. You can always paint dark backgrounds, but if you use paint it needs to be the very last thing you do. No more burning once color is added. Also use a spray on finish to make sure the paint doesn’t get smeared into the burned portions of the art.

      You can burn on tables, but….the table needs to be stripped of all finish. Never EVER burn over finish wood. The finish needs to be sanded away. Plus if the wood was stained the wood needs to be sanded until the stain is gone. It might be a lot of work to get it ready for burning. Make sure you wear a dust mask as you do not want to be breathing in wood and finish dust!
      One last thing. Be aware that some woods might be more irritating that others. It’s always best to check a toxicity chart to make sure you avoid those listed as toxic. A hobby is never worth risking your health. Here’s a link to a wood toxicity chart:


      1. Thank you so much, Brenda! 🙂 Appreciate you not only answering my questions but also providing more valuable insights and tips! I will definitely keep those in mind and keep revisiting your site for more! 🙂

        Thank very much!
        -celeste 🙂

  5. Hi, Brenda.

    I absolutely love your work and appreciate all the time and effort you put into your tutorials to help your followers learn the art of pyrography! I think the miniature oak barrel with the pheasant on it is my favorite piece so far. I wanted to try my hand at it, but cannot find an unfinished miniature barrel like yours anywhere, not even on the internet (they are already finished. Can you please tell me where you found yours? Thank you so much for all you do and keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Toni,
      Thank you! I did the oak barrel on commission, so it was supplied to me by the person requesting the work. I’ll contact him and find out if he remembers where he got the barrel and let you know.

    2. Hi Toni,
      I heard back from the gentleman, and he said he gets the barrels from:
      Good luck with your project and send me a picture of it when you are done. I’d love to see it.

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