In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to create the skull mask artwork. I was attracted to this image because of the raised designs on the mask. Those designs might make this artwork seem a bit intimidating, but don’t fear. Like all things, if the image is broken down into smaller components, it becomes … Continue reading Pyrography Techniques – The Skull Mask wood burning tutorial
Tag: wood burning
Pyrography Techniques – Short Blond Hair wood burning tutorial
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to this short blonde hairdo. The techniques used for this artwork can be applied to any hair style with the same basic texture. Quite truthfully the method I used on this hairstyle was the same technique I used to create a tail on a horse. So this … Continue reading Pyrography Techniques – Short Blond Hair wood burning tutorial
Pyrography Techniques – The Horse wood burning tutorial
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to create the Horse pyrography artwork. The horse was created by breaking down sections into small workable areas. Each area is evaluated, assigned a tonal value, and burned in. Most of the time gradient shading is needed to smooth the transition between areas. This approach is the … Continue reading Pyrography Techniques – The Horse wood burning tutorial
Pyrography for Beginners – Simple Floral Tray wood burning tutorial
In this blog I'm going to explain how to create this Floral Tray pyrography project. This project is very easy and suitable for any skill level. You do not need any prior burning experience for this project. Since there isn’t gradient shading involved, any wood burner will work for this project; including fixed heat solid … Continue reading Pyrography for Beginners – Simple Floral Tray wood burning tutorial
Pyrography Art – The Cougar wood burning art
Back in March of 2019 Todd & I were visiting Tucson, Arizona. While there we visited the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and I got a photo of a cougar that I just loved. Immediately I knew that I wanted to turn it into a piece of pyrography artwork. This blog is going to talk about the … Continue reading Pyrography Art – The Cougar wood burning art
Pyrography Art Northern Shoveler Duck realistic wood burning art
In this blog I will discuss different aspects of the Northern Shoveler Duck artwork that I created. This artwork is based on a photo that Todd took while visiting the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Washington. The artwork is one of the few pieces I’ve done where I planned from the beginning to add color … Continue reading Pyrography Art Northern Shoveler Duck realistic wood burning art
Pyrography Art RASPBERRY BANDIT RACCOON wood burning
Raccoons are a pretty common site around my house as there are a number of large evergreen trees that they like to hang out in. Every year there is a female raccoon that raises young in a few of the trees. I think raccoons are cute and their babies are just adorable. As the babies … Continue reading Pyrography Art RASPBERRY BANDIT RACCOON wood burning