A while back I created my first ever mandala, the Mandala Flower, and it was a lot of fun. I just love how you can put so many different textures and pattern designs together in one piece of artwork and it still looks good. Since I had so much fun with the first mandala, I … Continue reading Mandala II Pyrography Tutorial Wood Burning
How to use the Pyrography Shading Pen Tip Tutorial wood burning
The shading pen tip is my workhorse in pyrography. Other than the gingerbread house tutorial, all of my projects so far have relied heavily on the shading tip. Just guessing I would estimate I use it at least 95% of the time if not more. As I’ve mentioned before, I have a Colwood burner (super … Continue reading How to use the Pyrography Shading Pen Tip Tutorial wood burning
Cedar Creek Gristmill Pyrography Art wood burning
One day I decided that I wanted to create art featuring a covered bridge, so Todd and I drove to a nearby bridge to get some reference photos. It was a rainy nasty day (typical for Washington), but we were armed with coats and brought umbrellas to shelter the camera. The covered bridge was next … Continue reading Cedar Creek Gristmill Pyrography Art wood burning
Hawk Owl Pyrography Tutorial wood burning
I love owls. They are one of my favorite birds and when I was commissioned to create a piece of pyrography art featuring an owl, I was thrilled. This particular owl was photographed at a zoo near Seattle, Washington. I later discovered that it was a Eurasian hawk owl; so, not native to the United … Continue reading Hawk Owl Pyrography Tutorial wood burning
Collared Lizard Pyrography Art wood burning
One fall, Todd & I took a trip with dad to the four corners area; where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. Dad wanted to visit this area one more time and explore the Mesa Verde Indian ruins again. Since I had never been to this area and because the boys left me in … Continue reading Collared Lizard Pyrography Art wood burning
Yellow Lab Puppy Pyrography Tutorial wood burning
Anymore it seems like, everywhere you go, someone has a pet dog with them. I expect to see them in parks, but now it’s common to see them in stores and occasionally on airplanes. Heck some businesses even allow their employees to bring their dogs to work with them. Pet popularity seems to be at … Continue reading Yellow Lab Puppy Pyrography Tutorial wood burning
Farmer and Cow Pyrography Art wood burning
When I turned 40 my coworkers had a birthday party for me. I’m not into celebrating birthdays, especially my own, but, if nothing else, it was a day of free food at work. During the party one of my male co-workers informed me I was at a good age because I was like “a dairy … Continue reading Farmer and Cow Pyrography Art wood burning