How to use the Pyrography Shading Pen Tip Tutorial wood burning

The shading pen tip is my workhorse in pyrography.  Other than the gingerbread house tutorial, all of my projects so far have relied heavily on the shading tip.  Just guessing I would estimate I use it at least 95% of the time if not more.  As I’ve mentioned before, I have a Colwood burner (super … Continue reading How to use the Pyrography Shading Pen Tip Tutorial wood burning

Hawk Owl Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

I love owls.  They are one of my favorite birds and when I was commissioned to create a piece of pyrography art featuring an owl, I was thrilled.  This particular owl was photographed at a zoo near Seattle, Washington.  I later discovered that it was a Eurasian hawk owl; so, not native to the United … Continue reading Hawk Owl Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

Yellow Lab Puppy Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

Anymore it seems like, everywhere you go, someone has a pet dog with them.  I expect to see them in parks, but now it’s common to see them in stores and occasionally on airplanes.  Heck some businesses even allow their employees to bring their dogs to work with them.  Pet popularity seems to be at … Continue reading Yellow Lab Puppy Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

How To Create A Mandala Pattern Tutorial wood burning

In my last blog I covered how to do the Mandala Flower pyrography art and I thought it would be of value to discuss how I created the pattern.   There are a few items I found very helpful, like a compass, tracing paper, and a few stencils, but nothing extravagant or that cost a lot … Continue reading How To Create A Mandala Pattern Tutorial wood burning

Mandala Flower Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

A few years back one of my nieces introduced me to mandala styled art.  While I had never heard of it before, I found some of it to be extremely striking.  Some of the patterns out there are so intricate that it must have taken someone many, many hours to produce.    One day I was … Continue reading Mandala Flower Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

Cape Disappointment Lighthouse Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

Ilwaco wa lighthouse wood burning pyrography

A friend of mine has a cabin at Long Beach, WA. She spends quite a few weekends there enjoying the scenery, ocean air, and the soothing sounds of the ocean waves crashing on the sand.  During one of her hikes along the beach she took a photograph of Cape Disappointment Lighthouse.   It was a typical … Continue reading Cape Disappointment Lighthouse Pyrography Tutorial wood burning

Gazania Flower Pyrography & Color Pencil Tutorial Wood burning

Seems like winter in the Northwest has been a nasty one this year and it’s not even over.  When I was writing up this tutorial it’s was snowing and a few of days before that we had freezing rain.  I’m tired of winter and I’m dreaming of spring.  Spring means the flowers start emerging; my … Continue reading Gazania Flower Pyrography & Color Pencil Tutorial Wood burning